Story of captain marvel

History of captain marvel

      You could say that if you’ve seen one superhero origin story – or villain, for that matter – you’ve seen them all – but Captain Marvel is going out of its way to change that.
Because the upcoming movie, which will star Brie Larson as the MCU’s most powerful hero(ine), is going to offer something “new” to audiences, according to producer Nate Moore.
Speaking to CinemaBlend about how Captain Marvelwill be an origin story in literal terms but not tonally, Nate revealed that the team has stumbled upon a non-traditional structure to tell Carol Danvers’ story.
          Referring to the usual origin story structure of a character with a problem who gets powers at the end of the first act, gets to know their powers in the second and fights a villain in the movie’s climax, Moore said that Marvel wants to “subvert that structure” moving forward.

“As we introduce new characters moving forward, we want to find ways to subvert that structure, so at least the experience of the film feels new to audiences,” he explained.

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