Juggernaut brother of Professor X

Juggernaut:Brother of professor X
Juggernaut character first appeared in the x-men issue 12 in July of 1965 and like most of Marvel’s characters introduced around this time he was created by Stan Lee and Jack
Kirby. Since debuting in the Silver Age of comics the juggernaut has easily become one of Marvel’s most fan loved villains he’s huge unstoppable and has a very unique origin and source of his power in comparison to the vast majority of characters in the x-men universe he
also has a very close connection to Charles Xavier. which makes them all the more interesting and his rivalry with the x-men more complex than most so let’s find out how and why.
Juggernauts real name is Kane Marko and he was raised by his father Kurt Marko
after his mother died when he was very young eventually his father met and married Sharon Xavier who is of course the widow of Brian Xavier and mother to Charles Xavier once Kurt and Sharon were married they moved into the Xavier mansion in Westchester New York which later became the Xavier Institute for higher learning but Kane was a bully to his stepbrother Charles something that was driven mostly by jealousy as Charles was good at everything he did like being a star football and track athlete which lets A kane’s father favoring Charles over him
however what Kane didn’t know was that Charles was succeeding because of his mutant ability to read minds including Keynes and when Kane ultimately found out that Charles was a mutant and his success came from his powers .
Kane began to resent Charles Mothers only grew worse when Kane accidentally started a fire in his father’s lab during an argument with him the fire grew out of control and Kurt died from smoke inhalation while saving both of his sons out of guilt and anger Kane convinced himself that it was very out of the ordinary for his father to do something so selfless and that the only reason he sacrificed himself was to save Charles sometime later both Kane and Charles were drafted into the US Army and served.

In the same unit during the Korean War and during one mission they were in a firefight in Kane desert of the unit and Charles went after him hoping to bring him back before he got into trouble but while trying to get away Kane stumbled into a cave that had the Lost Temple of cyttorak inside there he found the crimson gem of cyttorak and when he touched it an inscription magically appeared that read whosoever touches this gem shall be granted the
power of the crimson bands of cyttorak henceforth you who read these words shall become forevermore a human juggernaut Kane was then mystically transformed into sinner acts avatar a living juggernaut which is all fine and dandy but the Unleashed mystical energies caused the cave to collapse and Charles just barely managed to escape in time afterward there was no sign of Kane. so Charles and the rest of the world thought Kane was dead.

Kane was buried under the rubble of the mountain he had already been transformed into the juggernaut and he used his recently acquired powers to dig himself out from under the trillion tons of rocks that fell on him it took him several years to do. 

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